The 21-Day Daniel Fast

The 21-Day Daniel Fast

The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel 10:2-3. “At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” These three weeks refer to the observance of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which take place during the first month of the year (Exodus 12:1-20). 

Broken People in the Hands of A Loving God

Broken People in the Hands of A Loving God

You might have control issues if you enjoy being spontaneous only if you can carefully plan your spontaneity. The desire to be in control is a very natural desire. The problem is God didn’t create you to live a life you could live without his help. In order to fulfill your assignment from God you’ll need to learn to let him have control. Surrendering our lives means to surrender control of our lives and this is when God’s power gets released.

Vicious Cycle of Blessing

Vicious Cycle of Blessing

Imagine a world without watermelons! Sadness would abound especially around July 4th. What if in this watermelon deprived world we actually discovered one watermelon seed? A single watermelon could have up to 800 seeds. If this one seed produced a watermelon with 800 seeds then those 800 seeds could produce 640,000 watermelons. 640,000 watermelons have the capacity to produce 512,000,000 watermelons. 

The seed always unlocks the harvest. The Bible is clear that our lives are financially activated by giving and sowing seeds of generosity.

Comparison - Compassion

Comparison - Compassion

The Bible reveals how our perspective is shaped by comparison.

Rom 8:18-19 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. NIV

Verse 19 communicates how all creation is eagerly awaiting God’s sons and daughters to experience and express the love and the life of Christ in the earth. Our world becomes a better place when we discover God’s revealed purpose for our lives. Our homes, our marriages, our families, our workplaces, our neighborhoods all begin to flourish when we are awakened in this capacity.

The Most Holy Place

The Most Holy Place

The Holy of Holies, also known as the Most Holy Place, is the inner room of the Tabernacle where we find the Ark of the Covenant. This is the inner most place of intimacy with God. One priest only one time a year would go into this inner place to meet with God. Can you imagine being the chosen one to go into this place. Of all of God’s people and all of God’s leaders you would have the privilege of going into the inner most place of intimacy with God. Imagine what it would be like to be the person next in line for this honor but you weren’t chosen.

The Golden Altar of Incense

The Golden Altar of Incense

Every time Apple releases a new iPhone model millions of Americans are enticed to drop their current iPhones in order to upgrade to the latest technology. Strong consumer demand for the newest gadgets has also carried over into the automobile industry, where the latest tech-equipped cars entice people to trade in their current vehicles as well. Tech envy is alive and well as in the pursuit to attain the best possible features available.

The Table

The Table

A table is a place of true connection that holds a place of great significance in our lives. This is where family comes together to eat and to share in each other’s lives. Studies have been conducted demonstrating that children from families who eat together four or more times a week do better academically and emotionally. There is something sacred about the table that activates our lives on many levels.