In the Spring of 33 AD, the crucifixion of three men, outside the city walls of Jerusalem, changed the course of world history. Roman executioners hammered nails through the wrists and ankles of three men and left them to die. This was a common event in their day but 2,000 years later we are still talking about these three deaths.
TRUE TREASURE: The Treasure of Fear
God is inviting us on a journey of deepening our understanding of what He has in mind for the church. Our team is working with a number of pastors now in the USA and overseas to discern and understand what lies ahead. We hear God better together, so I want to begin to invite you to pray into this important season of the church.
Eternal Purpose Temporal Pain
Broken People in the Hands of a Loving God
Bones and Barley Bread
Living Water From Unlikely Places
Receiving and Dispensing Grace: God’s Call on the Church
In the Presence of My Enemies
DEEPER: Outrageous Grace
DEEPER: Unqualified On Purpose
God has been speaking to so many people with so much clarity and in so many ways. All of these stories inspire us. However, you can be inspired and feel disqualified at same time. Yes, the story is amazing and obviously God speaks but our mistakes can make us feel unqualified to experience that ourselves.