SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: The Healing Love of the Father

SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: The Healing Love of the Father

Adam was created in the image and likeness of God in his spirit. Adam, the first man and prototype for us all, was created for the specific intent of sonship. Therefore, all men were created for the specific intent of sonship. From before the creation of man and from the beginning of all creation God has purposed to have sons. The entire story of redemption must be seen and interpreted through this mindset: the loving Father sending His perfect Son to bring back to Him other sons.

SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: Rescue (Student Takeover)

SPIRITUAL WELLNESS: Rescue (Student Takeover)

We serve a King who not only does the supernatural but invites us to participate in experiencing and expressing the supernatural nature of God. This becomes a way of life for disciples who learn to live in the presence of Jesus paying attention to His voice. It takes courage to obey the voice of the Lord in our everyday lives. It takes practice to hear the voice of the Lord and that’s why we purpose to pray, read our Bibles and spend time alone with Him consistently. Then, we sense his encouragement, guidance and strength in a very real way.