Jesus in Esther

Jesus in Esther: Preserving Plans

Jesus is revealed in the book of Esther in very specific ways. Esther had lost her parents coming from a place of family deficiency yet called to a place of royalty. Jesus grew up being known as the child conceived out of wedlock having come from place of family deficiency yet called to a place of royalty.

Mordecai, a relative of Esther, took her in becoming a father to the fatherless. Jesus takes us in so God becomes the father to the fatherless.

Esther put her position of royalty on the line to save Israel. Jesus surrendered his position in heaven to rescue humanity. Jesus identifies with man and with God as our advocate. Esther identified with Mordecai’s appeal to her as she appealed to the king as an advocate of the Jews who were falling under terrible persecution.

Esther 2:7 Mordecai had taken (Esther) as his own daughter when her father and mother died. NIV

The Book of Esther is about how an orphan saved a Nation.

Life can be hard. Difficulty will come and pain will result. When difficulty comes do we turn to God or away from Him? Your circumstances never determine where you can go. They only determine where to begin.

Zig Ziglar said, “Life is a grindstone. Whether it wears you down or polishes you up depends on what YOU are made of.”

Esther shows us how God is at work even when we don’t realize it. Don’t focus on what is lost. Focus on what is left. Whatever you are left with is more than enough for God to use to bring about his plans!

Esther is the only book in the Bible that never mentions the name of God. But God was not absent. His hand clearly shaped this story weaving connections and appointments throughout it all.

How many of us met the person we married by introduction from a friend? How many of us took a job opportunity because of a friend? I’ve learned that when God wants to bring me into a new dimension of life many times he introduces me to a new relationship.

Sometimes it’s just one connection that takes us to the next dimension.

Every level of life comes with new levels of responsibility. 

Esther 4:14 And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this? NIV

We are the church. This is the hour. We were born to serve Jesus and this generation with our whole hearts. 

The positions and possessions God has entrusted to our care we are to use to further the cause of Christ!

There are 4 people in every situation Anybody, Somebody, Everybody and Nobody. Something important needs to be done Everybody knows that Anybody can do it. Surely since it is something anybody can do somebody will, but nobody does. Nobody realizes that Everybody thinks Somebody else is taking care of it.  It ends up that Everybody blames Somebody when Nobody does when Anybody could have done!

Esther decides to do something. It’s easier to make a point than it is to make a difference but we are called to make a difference so let’s not settle for making a point. She first focuses fasting and praying preparing the spiritual atmosphere of the situation much like in war we take control of the airspace before going in with boots on the ground.

Esther 4:16 "Go, gather together all the Jews…and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." NIV

It’s expensive to be effective. It costs what it costs and it never goes on sale. We must be willing to take some risks if we are truly going to make a difference. God calls us to face our fears in order to fulfill our destiny. It’s interesting to me that the Bible says “Do not be afraid” or “Fear Not” 365 times. 

I don’t believe anything happens in Scripture by chance. I believe the reason this command occurs 365 times in the Bible is because God doesn’t want a single day of our lives to be dominated by fear. When events seemed out of control to Esther and Mordecai God was at work. This message is clear: God is sovereign even when life doesn’t make sense.

It’s no accident that you’re reading this. God has something for you today. God wants something of you today. He wants your heart. He wants you to say yes to him. And as we say yes to God, he is going to use us, every one of us, to accomplish his purpose in us and in the lives of others.

Nehemiah was comfortable and living in a palace. Esther was comfortable and living in a palace. The theme of restoration is met with the reality that we must be willing to take our comfortable lives and do something with them on behalf of others.

God wants you to have the most amazing life you can imagine. However it is not God’s plan for you to pursue an amazing life for yourself. It is God’s plan for you to provide an amazing life for others. This is how our lives become amazing.

Western Christianity uses faith to attain stability & comfort. Biblical Christianity risks life and limb to advance God's Kingdom.

GP4RL Action Point: Devote some time to fast and pray asking God where can I go and how can I bless. Then do whatever he says.