Diminished Dominion

Diminished Dominion

We are all are becoming the more exaggerated version of ourselves. Over the years I’ve seen happy people grow happier, sad grow sadder, crazy grow crazier.

We must learn to be purposeful about this process of becoming.

The story of Goldilocks speaks to the fact that in all of our lives there are certain things and even certain sins that are just right for our lives. Some sins are too hot. Some sins are too cold. But it seems that there is some sin that seems to be just right for each individual. No matter how much short term pleasure is achieved it will never be worth the eternal regret.

Leonard Ravenhill said, “Five minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more, wept more, grieved more, loved and prayed more, and given more.”

When we step into eternity we will begin to be introduced to who we could have been, how we could have lived and what we could have done to help others find their way into the eternal purposes of God. Revelation 20 describes the eternal judgment of God. It’s not until the next chapter that we see the tears, mourning, crying and pain removed. This indicates that we will suffer unimaginable regret as we watch those we knew and loved face eternal judgment with an awareness of what more we could have become to help them.

Rev 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain… NIV

We must stop measuring ourselves by the "common Christianity" of our day. God’s not calling for warmer than others. God desires to awaken us to eternal purposes that hold us on course! We were born for more than the pursuit of a moment. The best moment this world has to offer will never fulfill us!

Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our image and let him (rule and have dominion)… 

God gave image then dominion! This is a very important progression and order! Ask any Rabbi what most important confession of Bible, “The Lord our God is one” speaks of God’s holiness.

When you are one, people can trust you because you’re not another person in another situation. If we know there is only one of you we can trust you. In God’s image you are one. When you are established in this you can then be trusted with dominion.

The Fall of mankind was the fall of man’s character bringing with it a broken self-image. Jesus came to restore it all. Character is an interesting thing to examine. When I was in college I acted in a play and I had a “character” that I had to study. There were times I had a difficult time not breaking character when something funny would happen on the set. Character is all about being somebody without being somebody else.

Alphanumeric characters never change. It doesn’t matter if they are written in a casual note or a formal letter to the President. Whoever they may be in front of they always remain the same.

Is your character lacking? There are two primary characteristics the Bible describes as characteristics of the spirit of the antichrist. These are secrecy and lawlessness. In direction opposition to these, God calls us to community and truthfulness. When these are the characteristics of our lives our spiritual software suddenly begins to function on new levels awakening another dimension in our lives.

GP4RL: Get honest about a struggle in your life this week with somebody you know you can trust. Pray for each other all week.


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Icebreaker: Share something you see as one of life’s greatest treasures that makes you smile.

We must learn to be purposeful about the process of becoming the person God desires us to be in our future.

Sin hinders this process and keeps us from becoming all God desires for us to become. Developing a greater awareness of the conversation God is having will drive us to a more meaningful life.

Discussion Question: What are some ways you have discovered in which God will speak to you? Share examples.

Pastor Lawrence shared the idea of regret on an eternal level that was very challenging. Leonard Ravenhill said, “Five minutes inside eternity and we will wish that we had sacrificed more, wept more, grieved more, loved and prayed more, and given more.” 

After the eternal judgment found in Revelation 20 we then read where God will wipe away our tears.

Rev 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain… NIV

The stakes are not merely high. The stakes are eternal! We must stop measuring ourselves by the “common Christianity” of our day. God’s not calling for warmer than others. God desires to awaken us to eternal purposes that hold us on course!

Discussion Question: What tends to keep Christians from really being completely abandoned to the call of God on their lives?

Embracing and expressing the very character of God releases the characteristics of God’s Kingdom in the earth. This produces an amazing flourishing result to humanity.

Gen 1:26  Let us make man in our image and let him (rule and have dominion)…

Ask any Rabbi what most important confession of Bible and they will tell you, “The Lord our God is one.” This actually speaks of the characteristic of God’s holiness.

God created man in God’s image and then God gave man dominion. We must be true to this image of God before we are given dominion.

Discussion Question: Sin causes us to have character flaws. When you think of the idea of character what comes to mind?

Actors take on a “character” and must stay true to that role without breaking character even when something funny happens on the set. Character is all about being somebody without being somebody else.

Discussion Question:  How has your character changed the closer you’ve grown to Jesus? What is one thing you can focus on this week to be a stronger example of God’s unfailing, unchanging loving nature?

GP4RL: Get honest about a struggle in your life this week with somebody you know you can trust. Pray for each other all week.