40 Days: Irrationally Giving

Learning about and participating in the generous nature of God is very important to our lives, our legacy and our world.

Last week in our Community Groups we brought attention to a free online test to assess more specifically how we are gifted. That can be found at www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

Rom 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…NKJV

Bible says each of us and all of us are gifted on purpose.

The purpose of the gift is not to have it but to use it. #destinyokc

Responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our every day lives is what makes the church a powerful force from God in the earth! My prayer for this year of flourishing is that we will all sense promptings of the Holy Spirit and the presence of God like we’ve never known before. Conversations become confirmations as a normal way of life.

Scripture reveals a unique relationship between our giving and revelation God brings into our lives.

Abram brought a tithe (10% of his increase) to God in Gen 14 and in chapter 15 it says “after these things” God spoke to him revealing the promise that would change the world! Suddenly Abram is hearing from God that he would be the Father of many Nations and one day the Messiah would be born from this promise!

Generations later we read in 1 Kings 3 where Solomon gave sacrificial offerings to God. Suddenly God promises blessing beyond comprehension. Isn’t interesting that God shows up in times when these men were giving sacrificially in efforts to obey God and see God’s Kingdom expand? God is looking for partnership in the earth!

Your life is significantly attached to you. We want God to change our lives but God wants to change us and that’s what changes our lives.

All of the world’s resources came from God. God owns it and God loans it. #destinyokc

We have nothing before we arrive in this earth and nothing after we leave. We have about 100 years to use what has been entrusted to our care to see God’s kingdom expand.

Being a responsible part of your church family is part of the reason why we tithe but it’s goes much deeper than that.

Deut 14:23 The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first in your lives (TLB)

Our children won’t learn sacrificial generosity from their buddies and if tithing has a correlation to revelation I want my kids to get this!


We bring GP2RL Action Point:

Purpose a family conversation this week about giving tithes, offerings and a lifestyle of generosity.