Gifted Kings

Isa 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever... NIV

The government of God is on the shoulders of Jesus; the body of Christ. The body of Christ carries the government of God into the earth!

So Jesus is the King of kings! What does that make us? Kings!!! You and I are gifted kings, priests and prophets as the expression of God’s government in the earth.

2 Cor 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! NLT

 The word that translates new person or new creation literally means, “Not there before.” This speaks of a new species of being that never existed before.

1 Pet 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. ESV

 Physically, you look the same because your body is only a house for the real you, your spirit. But on the inside, you changed completely. You became a righteous creation activated in every way by the very nature of God. 

Jesus was normal among normal people yet supernatural in such a way that people felt they were in the presence of a prince. You are not clothed in a robe and a crown you’re clothed in Christ

There are people who feel like they have to drive a certain car or dress a certain way or live in a certain house to make people think they are significant. If you find your identity and how you dress or what you wear what you drive or where you live you’ve never really understood who you truly are and what really matters. People sensed the call to greater value when they were around Jesus. 

There was an attraction to God emanating from Jesus drawing people into the eternal perspective of love. The prostitute was attracted to him yet she did not defile him the leper was attracted to him ye he did not to contaminate him.

Rev 5:10You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." ESV

Jesus was the king of kings yet he moved among men like the common man and everything he touched began to be transformed. You and I are called to carry the masters touch to a broken world redeeming restoring etc. But you cannot know who you are if you do not know who he is. Jesus is the son of God, the Alpha the Omega, the beginning of the end, the Lord of lords and the King of kings - He is truly King above all kings.

Eddie Murphy in coming to America he was a prince who came dressed in regular clothes working in a fast food restaurant always possessing a smile always encouraging everyone around him he’s talking to a girl who made it unusual comment, ”There’s something about you that is regal.” This is exactly what God desires this is God‘s plan for all of our lives.

When you see Prince Charles, Prince Harry or Prince William from England in the news you always expect to see dignity, compassion, concern, awareness of the world around them, dignity nobility, generosity, responsible dispositions, etc because so much that has been entrusted to their care. The royal family does not have a list of do’s and don’ts that they are required to express or avoid when they are in public. They simply have grown up in the atmosphere of royalty and because they know who they are it’s natural to be and do who they be and what they do. All of England would be appalled if a prince were to be caught in despicable behaviors. It’s just not who he is.

Kings simply don’t think the same way as other people. I heard a story once of a king in the Middle East who was taken by golf. He reached out to a golf pro inviting him to come and be his guest for several days to play golf together. The golf pro accepted and before he knew it a private jet was arranged to come and pick him up. The golf pro was wined and dined the for the entire weekend. When it was time for him to leave the king asked him what he could get him as a gift to thank him. The pro declined graciously but the king was insistent. The golf pro finally responded and said, “How about a golf club” thinking a new putter or driver might be a nice way to remember such a special weekend. Pleasantries were exchanged and the golf pro left for home. Time passed and the golf pro hadn’t though much about this but then began wondering what this king was thinking. Perhaps he was having a golf club hand crafted with jewels. He thought about the ridiculous idea of the golf clubs that were plated with 24c gold. One day while sifting through his mail he found a certified letter from this king. Inside was a hand written thank you note with an explanation that the golf pro was now the owner of a 36 hole golf club the king had purchased for him. Kings simply don’t think like other people.

We Bring GP2RL Action Point:

Purpose to embrace the King’s perspective as your own by being in the Word and before God in prayer every day this week.