Irrationally giving people live consistently generous lives.

Generosity doesn’t begin at the moment you have an urge to be kind. Generosity begins earlier than these moments when we have decided in advance to live sacrificially so we are prepared for opportunities of generosity.

We tend to believe more money solves money problems. Most people believe a few million dollars would completely solve their money problem. Does having more money solve money problems?

An NFL first year Rookie makes about $435,000. Some NFL players make as much as $35 million a year. Research shows that within two years of retirement more than one out of three NFL players are bankrupt or under intense financial stress. The average NBA player makes almost $8 million per season. Within five years of retirement 60% of NBA players are bankrupt.

We live in the wealthiest nation in the world, yet multiple studies suggest money problems are the #1 contributor to divorce.  If the nation with more money in the hands of the people than in any other nation can be filled with financial stress then more money doesn’t solve the money problem.

Parkinson’s Law basically says expenses rise to meet income.  The basis of money problems are behavioral problems. Because money doesn’t solve behavioral problems, more money perpetuates spending behaviors on higher levels actually resulting in greater problems. 

The more self-absorbed we are the more problematic our lives will be.

Prov 10:22 It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it. NAS

A loving and sacrificial lifestyle converts increase into a blessing rather than an increased burden. The world’s system of materialism is a self-centered and deceptive trap. God wants you to be free from materialism. This is why giving tithes and offerings have always been a part of God’s plan for worship all the way back to ancient times.

We, as a church family, want to be responsible financially but it goes deeper than that!

Deut 14:23 The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first in your lives. (TLB) 

Can you imagine all God would entrust to our care if He knew he could trust us? We don’t want to give our kids our valuables without first making sure they have our values. 

I’ve been looking at moments in Scripture when God released significant promises into the earth. I’ve found some interesting insights:

In Gen 15 God gives Abram this amazing promise of blessing that he would father the move of God that would transform nations of the earth. This happens immediately following his obedience to tithe on his increase to Melchizedek.

In 1 Kings 3 God gives Solomon amazing promise of wisdom and riches beyond his comprehension. This happens immediately following Solomon’s worship and giving.

The moment God used Peter to reveal how the Gentiles were now part of the family occurred in the home of Cornelius. Why Cornelius? The Bible actually explains why.

Acts 10:4 "…Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God.” NKJV

This man’s sacrifice was something God rehearsed, remembered and released a blessing to his household as a result. Our children won’t learn to be generous from their buddies. If tithing has a correlation to revelation and promise, I definitely want my kids to get this!

2 Cor 9:11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. NIV

When we are enriched by God and generous like Jesus the world will be a better place. 

We Bring GP2RL Action Point:

Purpose a family conversation this week about giving tithes, offerings and a lifestyle of generosity. 

Together we are making the world a better place:

Nicholas came from a broken past trying to survive at the age of 12 by moving in with a friend whose dad was a known drug dealer. There wasn’t a bedroom available, but his friend’s dad allowed him to sleep in the kitchen area if he was willing to keep it clean.

Nicolas built a reputation over the years with a street name that is respected in the Drug World. He was called “Psycho.” After multiple felonies and multiple chances in the court system, Nicholas was facing 25 years to life but was given the option of another path that would start with a 6 month rehab program with the Salvation Army and then return to drug court for further consideration.

Nicholas was irritated when he checked in because the guys all seemed so happy. They seemed so happy he was convinced they were still on drugs until he realized they weren’t. Brad Kelley was picking these guys up to bring them to church at Destiny. Nicholas was “one of those guys” who came. He completed the program and ultimately moved in with Brad and Stacia to get on his feet.

He got a job at the Urban Life Ministries and now does what he loves to do. Nicholas Hoey ministers to and helps broken people. He counsels at the ARC with men that are struggling with their addictions and life circumstances. Nicolas has now worked for Skyline Urban Ministry for over a year and has been promoted to a supervisory position.

Brad & Stacia said, “You are a part of our family and you have a Church Family that loves you very, very much. Nicolas you are a role model for so many.  We’ve seen you laugh. We’ve seen you love. We’ve seen you cry. Mostly we have seen you honor God. In your life we see God’s good work on you as a son, man, father, brother, uncle and mostly a friend. We love you.”

It is so great to see Nicolas having been helped now helping others. Brad & Stacia know this path. They’ve now been sober for 8 years. Stacia, a 7-time convicted felon, is now going to school to be an alcohol and drug abuse counselor. They are constantly inviting people into their home to help them get back on their feet.

This is why we love, serve and give as a church family. God’s Kingdom is expanding in the earth! People’s lives are being changed! 


Click here for a downloadable pdf file of this guide.

Our goal, as a church family, is that we would all be OUTRAGEOUSLY LOVING people who PASSIONATELY PURSUE the Lord with IRRATIONALLY GIVING lifestyles as we CONSISTENTLY SUBMIT to God’s desires and EFFECTIVELY DISCIPLE others to do the same.

This requires that we put into practice a personal pursuit of God. This year in our Community Groups we want to start each group with the first and primary question of Where are you reading in your Bible and what are you sensing from God? This will help us as a church family to explore with expectation how conversations are becoming confirmations that God is speaking to us all.

2 Cor 9:11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. NIV

When we are enriched by God and generous like Jesus the world will be a better place.


1. What are a few of the benefits of learning to live a generous life? 

2. What financial situation did you grow up with? (i.e. not enough money, just made ends meet, more than enough, it varied, etc.) 

3. What did your parents do, if anything, to help train you to manage your finances?

Managing your finances well positions you to live a consistently generous life.

1 Cor 10:24 Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being. (NKJV)

The Message Bible says it well, “We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well.” (MSG)

All of the world’s resources came from God. We have nothing before we arrive and nothing after we leave.

God OWNS it and God LOANS it. We have what God entrusts to our care for about a century. The question is will we spend it primarily on ourselves or will we cooperate with His sacrificial nature to invest in God’s Kingdom to make a difference in the lives of others?

This is why we exist as a church. This is why we are in this group having this conversation. People give so we can exist as a family and encourage each other forward in our faith.

Our giving is a responsible part of being a church family together but it goes deeper than that. This is about our worship. This is about our legacy. Our children won’t learn generosity from their buddies. We must help them understand God’s plan for giving a portion of our increase to constantly bring us back to the reality that everything we have came from him. This helps us keep him first in our lives.

Deut 14:23 The purpose of tithing is to teach you to always put God first in your lives (TLB) 


4. Have you had any kind of family discussion about giving when you were growing up? How can you initiate this conversation this week to cooperate with the action point from Sunday?

GP2RL Action Point: 

Purpose a family conversation this week about tithing and putting God first in your lives.