She, supposing He was the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!”
John 20:15-16
Ring, ring. The phone always seems to demand attention, she thinks, as she rushes around trying to dress her three children, letting the call go to voicemail. Being a single mother is hard. She manages to dress them, but now she needs to feed them. She hurries, spilling the milk, because the youngest keeps crying.
“Cereal, again?” the oldest moans.
“Please, not this morning honey,” she responds. “The bus will be here soon.” She puts their homework into their backpacks, helps put the right backpack on the right child, and out they go. While watching for the bus, she realizes her youngest one’s clothes do not even match. But it’s too late now; the bus is coming. She gives out I-love-you’s and kisses as they load up on the bus. All she can think is, I made it through another morning. Hopefully, I can finish the day.
As she walks back to the house, she thinks about him again. She has to continually strive to not let all the emotions run her into depression. It’s only been four weeks since the accident, and she sure does miss him. As she steps onto the porch and into the house, she prays, “Lord, I really need some help.” Her prayer is interrupted by the sight of the house. It always seems to surprise her how fast her house becomes messy. The emptiness of the morning seems to add to it. Every room needs her attention: the kitchen has dirty dishes, the living room has toys and dolls all over the floor, the bathroom smells funny, and their bedroom still has his clothes lying right where he left them. Since the funeral, she has not moved anything of his.
Beep, beep. How did she miss someone leaving her a message this morning? “Mary, it’s Cindy. I was praying for you this morning, and I had a desire overwhelm me. I want to come over this Saturday and help you in any way I can. If you need cleaning or laundry done, someone to watch the girls, or someone to mow the yard, whatever it may be. I want to serve you. I love you, and Jesus loves you too. Give me a call back and let me know. Bye, bye.” Click. Beep.
She deletes the message and sits down on the sofa as she grumbles to herself, “Why won’t people just leave me alone?”
Deep within her, she hears the whisper of the Resurrected Christ: “Mary, you asked me for help . . . and I answered you.”
Sometimes, like Mary, we do not recognize Christ. We pray and present our requests, but oftentimes, He answers us in practical ways we may not expect. He knows where you are and what you’re going through. Listen for Him today. He is calling your name. Ask Him to give you eyes to see and ears to hear. You may be mistaking Him for a gardener or a friend.