Day 10: What Things?


And He said to them, “What things?”
Luke 24:19

On a seven-mile stretch of old, rocky, dusty road that joins Jerusalem to Emmaus, two men journeyed and talked. Nothing else was worthy of discussion in light of the last couple of days. From behind them, a man who had recently caught up with their pace asked, “What are you talking about and why does it make you so sad?”

They almost laughed at this man’s ignorance, and would have if they hadn’t been so sad. “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem that does not know the things that have happened in the last three days?” one of them responded in a sarcastic tone.

But the stranger humbly returned the sarcasm with compassion: “What things?”

Have you ever wondered why God gave us a mouth? Can you imagine how much easier things might be for Him if we did not talk? He already knows our thoughts. What honor God gives to us simply by listening!

Jesus does not immediately scold these guys for their arrogance. He does not say, “I’ll show you how much I know. You sit there for a moment and listen to me!” No, not the Resurrected Jesus. He listens. The Resurrected Christ gives us the hope and assurance that our prayers are heard. Jesus is listening. Even though He knows before you ask, He invites you to share what is on your heart.

Say yes to the invitation and share openly and honestly with Jesus, and then be still and let Him respond. Another application of this encounter is to take the time today to listen to those around you, seeking to understand. For listening is an act of love.