Day 35: The Uncontainable Jesus


And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one,
I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.
John 21:25

Jesus is amazing! After four gospels filled with supernatural power, love, and sacrifice, the last verse of the last gospel tells that we are only getting a glimpse of all He did. John supposes the world could not contain the record of everything He did. Jesus is uncontainable. The Pharisees could not contain Him, the disciples could not, Pilot could not, the cross could not, death could not, the tomb could not, and the gates of hell could not.

He is still the same Jesus today. Your failures, dysfunctions, misery, depression, religion, sickness, and sin cannot contain Him. Rejoice! Our Savior, King, and Brother is uncontainable! Lose yourself in the joyful reality that the abundant life is not available because we are more than enough but because He is more than enough.

There is more than enough grace, peace, joy, love, mercy, and compassion because He is inexhaustible. You can have all of Him, and someone else can have all of Him simultaneously. You have His full attention while the next person has His full attention. He is beautifully more.

The abundant life is grounded in the abundant Jesus. Welcome to a family that always has more than enough. Have you partnered with a lie that tells you there is only a limited amount? Are you living as if Jesus can help, but is not enough? Will you dare to believe and act like Jesus is enough?

Father, I ask you to pull off the blindfold that has limited our perspective of Christ. May I see as You see. May I live from the reality that You are enough for me. Thank you, Jesus, for being who You are, because it is who You are that is changing and defining who I am. Come Lord, and show me how to truly live. For Your name, renown, and glory are the desires of my heart. Amen.