
Psalm 24:9 Lift up your heads, O gates, and lift {them} up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!  (NAS)

You were born to be a gateway for the King! We are moving from merely having a Christian label pursuing a Christian life.

We bring God’s presence to real life in every realm of society and on every level of community.

Psalms 24:7-9 So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 8 …The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! 9 So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. TPT

Don’t wait for a move of God. Be the move of God!

Realize the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is always an outpouring not a downpouring. The outpouring flows out from sons and daughters of God who are awakened to the purposes of God. 

Jesus didn’t die so we could find a church that meets our needs. This is why it is so important that we purpose to live, serve, and give an expression of worship to Jesus! You can text GIVE to 405-584-5767 to explore our online giving platform. Sacrificially loving, serving, and giving as a way of life is following the example Jesus modeled for us to follow.

Contrary to what our consumer culture has taught you, the church is not here to meet the needs of Christians. The church is a family of Christians who are here to meet the needs of those around us. For God so loved the world He sent his son to model the sacrificial example we are to follow as the Father continues to send his sons and daughters to reach the world!

D.L Moody prayed for 100 of his friends and 96 got saved and the remaining four accepted Christ at his funeral.

Angel Montufar shares, “I discovered Destiny when I went to see a chiropractor, Dr. Bill Mead. He noticed my cross necklace and asked me, “What does that cross mean to you?” That started a conversation about life and faith! He mentioned Destiny and talked about how accepting and great the church is inviting me to check it out.

That first Sunday I heard about “The Turn The Page Challenge” so I started. This began to evolve taking me deeper into praying, reading, and worshiping. Not only did it allow me to feel the presence of the Lord EVERYWHERE I went. But I also realized I have a home where I’m loved by God and God’s family.

I signed up for Discovering Destiny wanting to get more involved. Everyone was so welcoming when I walked in. So many beautiful individuals. Everyone had a role. I LOVE THAT! Strangers who I thought were just people attending service were actually coming to serve as part of the worship team, the tech team, and leaders and pastors of different community groups!  

I found a home with Destiny. Most importantly I realized Jesus is walking by my side everywhere I go always keeping me company.

I’m so in tune of God’s presence in everything I do now. When I’m running, eating, watching tv, driving!

Thank you Dr. Mead for inviting me!” 

Psalms 24:7-9 So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 8 …The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! 9 So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. TPT

Notice this says wake up twice!

Is it possible that you may be sleepwalking spiritually? 

Once you wake up, you are then part of waking up those around you.

Last year, as we entered the 2020’s, we began realizing what God was saying about this decade. We entered the roaring 20s. Not like the 1920s. Like the 2020s where the roaring Lion of the Tribe of Judah is awakening the roar of God in the body of Christ.

Amos 3:7-8 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing wo revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. The lion has roared-- who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken-- who can but prophesy? 

When the Lion of the tribe of Judah roars, we can’t help but prophesy!

Isaiah 31:4 references the lion’s growl. The Hebrew word that translates, “grow” also translates, “meditate.” As we meditate on God’s Word the roar of God is awakened within us.

The Roaring 20's is a decade of releasing God's blessing in the midst of the enemy's efforts to destroy us. But we must meditate on what God reveals every step of the way.

This Saturday, at Fuel the Fire, we will focus on an incredibly significant transition in this next season of the church.

Dr. Myles Munroe, "Eden is Hebrew word with five strokes: spot, moment, presence, open door and delightful place." "God took the man and put him in a spot, for a moment, where the presence of God was an open door to heaven."

Purposing to walk in deep fellowship with God positions us in this spot to experience a moment where the presence of God is an open door to heaven.

We Bring GP2RL Action Point:

Be intentional about exploring this place where the presence of God is an open door to heaven.



Click here for a downloadable pdf file of this guide.

We bring God’s presence to real life in every realm of society and on every level of community.

As we move toward a more basic understanding of the message, mission, and ministry of Jesus we come to a clearer understanding that we were born to be a gateway for the King. This starts first in our own home! 

God’s plan is for us to hear his voice together as a family. This is why we start each group with this first and 

primary question for discussion.


1. Where are you reading in your Bible and what are you sensing from God?

The Passion Translation says Psalms 24 so beautifully. Notice the italicized words that we see repeated:

Psalms 24:7-9 So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for he is about to come through you. 8 …The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! 9 So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. TPT


2. Share an instance when you were sleeping but you shouldn’t have been at that particular time. 

(Overslept or perhaps you fell asleep somewhere you shouldn’t have.)

Three Characteristics of sleep: 

a. You don’t know you were asleep until you wake up. 

b. You do things in your sleep you would not do if you were awake. 

c. We don’t like the sound of an alarm.

Many believers are spiritually sleeping and don’t even realize it. In their state of slumber their actions are very different from they would be if they were truly alive to the purposes of God. Some will resist the sound of the alarm as it is time for the church to begin to wake up and come alive!


3. Share some ways you have matured in understanding what it means to truly walk with God. 

What, if anything, is different about your walk with God from one year ago?

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit is always an outpouring not a downpouring. The outpouring flows out from sons and daughters of God who are awakened to the purposes of God. Don’t wait for a move of God. Be the move of God!

Jesus didn’t die so we could find a church that meets our needs. This is why it is so important that we purpose to live, serve and give an expression of worship to Jesus! Sacrificially loving, serving and giving as a way of life is following the example Jesus modeled for us to follow.

Contrary to what our consumer culture has taught you, the church is not here to meet the needs of Christians. The church is a family of Christians who are here to meet the needs of those around us. For God so loved the world he sent his son to model the sacrificial example we are to follow as the Father continues to send sons and daughters to reach the world! This requires us to understand what it means to dwell in the presence of God as was God’s original plan for man in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. NIV

God’s originally designed atmosphere for man to flourish was in this special place of God’s presence.

Dr. Myles Munroe explained how Eden in the Hebrew language is a word with five strokes. Each stroke has a meaning: spot, moment, presence, open door and delightful place. The word literally gives the understanding that God took the man and put him in a spot, for a moment, where the presence of God was an open door to heaven. 

Purposing to walk in the presence of God positions us in this spot to experience a moment where the presence of God is an open door to heaven.


4. How do you plan to implement this week’s action point? Explain when and where you plan to meet with God. Then explain how you will foster a purposeful atmosphere in that place.

We Bring GP2RL Action Point: 

Be intentional about exploring this place where the presence of God is an open door to heaven.