ALGORITHMS: Babblings of This World

In many ways today we see a sleeping church in a woke culture! If pastors aren’t careful, they easily begin preaching for the absence of criticism rather than the presence of God.

The fear of the Lord is a strong confidence according to Proverbs 14:26. This speaks of a confidence that is born from humility before God as opposed to a fabricated confidence resulting from attempts to make persuasive presentations to man. We are called to stand for the things that matter to God regardless of how they may or may not be viewed by man.

In this humility we find the God-given authority to live in this world under the influence of another realm releasing God’s Kingdom in the earth! When average people walk into areas that are controlled by Jihadists, they enter that territory with fear and uncertainty. When members of the U.S. military enter those areas, they are there with confidence to take that territory away from these terrorizing bullies. Everywhere we go we should be walking into those areas as part of our assignment from God to possess the land and displace the enemy!

This requires us to be spiritually awake! 

The first mention of Babel in the Bible is found in Genesis. The Tower of Babel is in the City of Babel. Babel is an important theme throughout the Bible and later becomes a Nation, Babylon.

Ultimately we read in Revelation about how Babylon is an absolute adversary to Jesus and his church! In the Bible we read how Babylon speaks of captivity of God’s people. This captivity is not only about one generation but generations afterward as well. When we evaluate where it all began we find a very demonic origin of human supremacy that resembles Adam and Eve’s pursuit of the perfection of God in the Garden of Eden.

Genesis 11:1-7 Now the whole earth had one language and the same words… 4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves… 6 And the LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another's speech." ESV

This is all about human independence and self-sufficiency rejecting God. Their ability to build around common ideas gives them a false sense of supremacy. Having the same language, using the same words. Let us make a name for ourselves canceling anything contrary to our own self-serving agendas and ambitions.

Today we see this same spirit at work in the “Cancel Culture.” There is this common language born from certain towering ideas. If you don’t align your words and language with this tower of ideas then you’re canceled as insignificant in response to these supreme perspectives. 

Babel today isn’t a tower but rather it is intellectual architecture.

This month we will hear the official ruling from the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade. The intensity has escalated since the leak of the ruling took place. As believers we need to posture our hearts well before the Lord for the reaction that will be inevitable. 

First, we must understand a Biblical position in regard to abortion. Life begins at conception but is actually ordained long before that as Jeremiah 1 speaks of how God knew us before we were formed in the womb. We also read in Luke 1 about how the baby leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary greeted her. This doesn’t reference the baby as a mass of tissue or a fetus. The Bible calls the baby a baby before the baby is born.

Secondly, we must understand how to have a godly response rather than a human reaction. If your response to all of this is to dismiss or accuse those who don’t agree with you then you’re missing the heart of Jesus. When Christians get more interested in winning arguments than they are in loving people they’re no longer like Christ.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind… NIV

This challenge is not only to avoid embracing the beliefs of the world but also taking up the attitudes of the world in the way we voice our beliefs.

A hateful attitude will never represent the heart of God. May we all remain sensitive to God and compassionate toward others as we navigate through these issues. It is true that the world’s babblings have their origin in the ultimate enemy of God. It’s as if the church has been falling asleep while the world has been getting “woke”.

We must pay attention to the roar of the Lion more than the babblings of the enemy if we are to carry the authority of God’s Kingdom in the earth!

It's humility that releases authority in God’s Kingdom. 

Don’t mistake religious zeal for authority. Peter’s logical effort to protect Jesus was met with Jesus identifying it as demonic. It made sense. Crowds could get behind this cause-centered idea that seemed to point to Christ but violated the agenda of the Father. It’s so vital that we refuse to become a cause-centered people. We must always remain a Christ-centered people! It’s only when we are truly Christ-centered that we will carry and release the authority of God’s Kingdom the way God desires for us to do so.

In the movie, Lion King, hyenas were raging out of control until they’re in the presence of Mufasa. When in His presence they cower into a mode of self-preservation begging for mercy much like the story we read about in Luke 8. In the presence of Jesus demons had no power to torment others and were begging for mercy.

This past week I was sent this message and was asked not to share the name of the man who sent it to me. I felt it was significant for this particular message. “Satan is content to see us gather on Sunday’s and be entertained… made comfy for another week following our typical routine while he stalks through our offices, schools, and neighborhoods. Confidently walking with no threat to his way. 

As we would walk differently with a lion in the room, so will Satan when we wake-up! Bringing the lion of Judah to our office, schools, and neighborhoods.

As we become the church equipped with the armor of the Holy Spirit, the roar grows and shakes the ground Satan claims as his. He will begin to tip-toe in our territory with the knowledge that we are no longer a cat napping but lion awake and roaring with the authority of Yahweh.”

When we entered 2020 we began declaring that we entered into the “Roaring Twenties.” Not like the 1920’s but like the 2020’s where the roaring Lion of the Tribe of Judah was awakening the prophetic roar of God in his people!

People may think we’re passing judgment when we stand up for what we believe is right. Our job is to love them not to change them. We will keep standing. We will keep loving. We will keep releasing God’s Kingdom everywhere we go as the roar of God awakens greater strength and authority within us all to address the unseen realm!

We Bring GP2RL Action Point:

Reflect on Genesis 11 and ask the Lord to help you see any towering ideas that need to be addressed within you.

Babblings of This World


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UNDERSTANDING THE SEASON: As a church family we want to be OUTRAGEOUSLY LOVING people who PASSIONATELY PURSUE the Lord with IRRATIONALLY GIVING lifestyles as we CONSISTENTLY SUBMIT to God’s desires and EFFECTIVELY DISCIPLE others to do the same.

Our 2022 New Year’s Revelation as a church family is EVERYONE IS CREATED FOR ABUNDANT LIFE! Much will flow from heaven into our hearts and homes this year!

The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but realize the aim of death is not to kill you but to keep you from the fullness of life until you die. Distraction is destruction of what could have been in your life.

John 10:10b “...I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Amplified

Jesus came demonstrating that true life is discovered in a willing death. When we die to ourselves we learn what it means to be alive in Christ.

God’s plan is for us to hear his voice together as a family. This is why we start each group with the first question:


1. Where are you reading in your Bible and what are you sensing from God?

Ask each person in your group to answer the discussion questions below after reading the verses. Don’t move on to the next question until everybody who is willing to share has had the opportunity to give their perspective.

Genesis 11:1-7 Now the whole earth had one language and the same words... 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves... 6 And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” ESV

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... NIV


  1. Have each person give a 60 second summary of what these verses are saying, in their own words.

  2. What do these verses teach us about God?

  3. What do these verses teach us about people?

  4. What should you do this week in response to what we are reading and what God is revealing?

  5. Who comes to mind when considering a person you might share this with this week?

We Bring GP2RL Action Point:

Reflect on Genesis 11 and ask the Lord to help you see any towering ideas that need to be addressed within you.