Blog: PSALMS- Foundational Fathers

Psalms 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? ESV

Everything that is, began with God, our Father. A Father is literally the foundation for all that exists. 

As fathers, God shares his own name with us. It is His design for us to be the foundation of the family and for generations of families coming after us.

Men and women are not the same. Men and women are similarly powerful, but distinctly different

You need a mom and a dad, and both are absolutely necessary. We, the church, are here to help! Notice the deep revelation of family that exists within the church.

1 Corinthians 4:14-17 I do not write these things to make you ashamed, but to admonish you as my beloved children. 15 For though you have countless guides (teachers) in Christ, you do not have many fathers. For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. 16 I urge you, then, be imitators of me. 17 That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord... ESV

Paul is saying observe my fatherly disposition and let it have an influence on your life! 

The presence of a father has a profound impact on the atmosphere of a home.

Kruger National Park in South Africa began to breed an African elephant that was facing extinction. And they did such a great job breeding these elephants they needed to send some of them away. They actually decided to transport some of them to another park near them by helicopter. They used harnesses that worked well for younger elephants, but mature bull elephants were breaking the harness, so they only transported juvenile elephants. Suddenly the park began experiencing multiple fatalities of their white rhinos. So many were dying they suspected poachers but the rhinos were gouged to death but not missing their horns. After installing cameras around the park they learned the juvenile elephants were killing them, though they aren’t natural enemies. They’d never seen this happening before. They concluded the absence of the older bull elephants was causing the juvenile elephants to act uncharacteristically, perhaps out of a sense of instability for fear of not having certainty of protection from older bigger elephants.

The Rangers constructed larger, stronger harnesses and then flew some of the older bull elephants and within weeks, the bizarre why the behavior of the juvenile elephants stopped completely. The presence of these older bull elephants somehow drastically changed the erratic behavior of these juvenile elephants. It's a crazy situation and it makes you wonder, what happens when you remove fathers from a culture?

Kris Vallaton’s research team is reporting on how the statistics that communicate the impact of fatherlessness in society are no longer being recorded. They explain this is the result of an agenda to deconstruct traditional family proposing that men and women are the same. Researching the impact of not having a biological male in the home isn’t good for an agenda that says two women in a home are the same as two men or a man and a woman.

The problem is statistical proof says otherwise.

75% of the U.S. prison population come from homes without a biological male present. 90% of all homeless and runaway children come from homes without the presence of a biological male. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders talking about shooting other children, 80% of all rapists and 71% of all high school dropouts all come from fatherless homes with no biological male.

You need a mom and a dad, and both are absolutely necessary. We, the church, are here to help! God created man first on purpose. The Biblical order here is significant! In a society that attacks masculinity it’s pretty important that we have God’s perspective on these matters.

As a father you are a foundation, whether you like it or not. You can be a solid foundation anchored in The Rock of Christ. Or you can be a weak foundation cracked, shifting unable to hold any weight. This is a tremendous responsibility.

We, the church, are here to help! Mary and Joseph lost Jesus for three days. Mary gave birth to the Son of God, then couldn't find him for three days. Funny but here's what I get out of that story. It takes a village. Jesus wasn't just raised by Joseph and Mary. He was raised by a village. It took three days to realize Jesus wasn’t in the group of relatives and close friends. It takes a village to raise a child. We must leave the idea of a global orphanage and become the village of mothers and fathers God has called us to be. This is the apostolic community we read about in the Bible called the church. Taking a few weeks on this.

Everywhere we go....

We Bring GP2RL: Honor someone this week whose fatherly presence in your life has strengthened your faith.