I Want More

I Want More

Expressions vary from person to person. We can have distinction without having to have division. If someone came up to one person giving them a million dollars that person might laugh, jump and shout while another might sit down and cry. One expression isn’t right while the other is wrong. We all have different expressions in our lives according to our differing personalities and our different experiences.



We all have experiential conclusions, doctrinal conclusions and theological conclusions. The big question, however, is do we have Biblical conclusions? Over these few weeks we will talk about the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Mother's Intuition

Mother's Intuition

We can learn so much from moms. 

1.    FAITH:  "You better pray that comes out of the carpet." 

2.    TIME TRAVEL.  "Straighten up, knock you into next week!" 

3.    FORESIGHT. "Clean underwear in case in accident."

4.    BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION. "Stop acting like your father!" 

5.    HYPOCRISY. "If told once… million times. Don't exaggerate!" 

Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters

There is a key that unlocks a sustainable pace of freedom empowering us to conquer bad habits and life controlling problems. So many times we find ourselves coming to church, feeling encouraged and ready to go out standing strong only to fall back in the same frustrating patterns. There is a reason for this. We believe what we believe but we love what we love more than we believe what we believe. If we are only dealing with what we believe without ever truly allowing God to deal with what is in our hearts our minds will default to our passions.

Secret Service Church

Secret Service Church

A basketball in my hands is probably worth about $20 but a basketball in Russell Westbrook’s hands is worth $40 million a year.  A tennis racket in my hands is probably only good for a self-inflicted wound but in Serena William's hands and it produced $27 million last year. Who owns or controls a product or object greatly affects what value it has and how it is used.