He calls you! He loves you! He keeps you! As you read this pause to embrace the reality that you have the call of God on your life! Have you ever had anybody tell you that personally? How impactful is it for your somebody to tell you personally that you have a call of God on your life? How much more powerful is it for God to tell you this?! God says right here in his Word that you have a call of God on your life! Receive that!
Heaven Come: Jesus is the Son of God
Isaiah 9 is one of those portions of Scripture that is so significant we need to rehearse it, read it, meditate on key words from the text and evaluate it from various perspectives. This month of December we are looking at 4 perspectives as revealed in the 4 Gospels as we look into this important revelation of Christ.
Heaven Come: Luke Reveals the Perfect Man
Isaiah 9 is one of those portions of Scripture that is so significant we need to rehearse it, read it, meditate on key words from the text and evaluate it from various perspectives. This month of December we are looking at 4 perspectives as revealed in the 4 Gospels as we look into this important revelation of Christ.
Heaven Come: Mark Reveals an Obedient Servant
Isaiah 9 is one of those portions of Scripture that is so significant we need to rehearse it, read it, meditate on key words from the text and evaluate it from various perspectives. This month of December we are looking at 4 perspectives as revealed in the 4 Gospels as we look into this important revelation of Christ.
Heaven Come: Matthew Reveals Our King
Have you ever read over a portion of Scripture and sensed something deeply significant about the passage? Sometimes when I sense this I rehearse the passage over and over by reading it, memorizing it, meditating on key words or phrases and pausing at different places as I look over the text. This is what I want to do as a church family over the next four weeks together in the Word. As Christmas approaches the very famous passage of the Bible in Isaiah will be central in many churches.
The 21-Day Daniel Fast
The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel 10:2-3. “At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” These three weeks refer to the observance of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which take place during the first month of the year (Exodus 12:1-20).
Thank You!
Financially Activated Church
See Your Blessing Through
Broken People in the Hands of A Loving God
You might have control issues if you enjoy being spontaneous only if you can carefully plan your spontaneity. The desire to be in control is a very natural desire. The problem is God didn’t create you to live a life you could live without his help. In order to fulfill your assignment from God you’ll need to learn to let him have control. Surrendering our lives means to surrender control of our lives and this is when God’s power gets released.
Vicious Cycle of Blessing
Imagine a world without watermelons! Sadness would abound especially around July 4th. What if in this watermelon deprived world we actually discovered one watermelon seed? A single watermelon could have up to 800 seeds. If this one seed produced a watermelon with 800 seeds then those 800 seeds could produce 640,000 watermelons. 640,000 watermelons have the capacity to produce 512,000,000 watermelons.
The seed always unlocks the harvest. The Bible is clear that our lives are financially activated by giving and sowing seeds of generosity.