Rather than deciding a New Year's RESOLUTION consider praying to discover a New Year's REVELATION. God has a plan for you in the coming year! Discover it! Devote yourself to it. Rehearse it. Remind yourself of it.
Relationally Enriched
Just a Man
Rhythms of the Spirit
God's Point of View
Where Do You Live?
You walk into your home in a way that is different from the way you walk into any other home. In your home you have a sense of an order you prefer. In somebody else’s home you wouldn’t rearrange their furniture. Where you live speaks of where you have authority. This is your domain. Domain and dominion have multiple related meanings. Your domain speaks of a place you rightfully occupy like your house, your yard, your office, etc.
What Do You Say?
What Do You See?
The Philosophy of Jesus: Life is More...
Thinking Through Next Level You
What comes to mind when you think about the word, “argument?” Typically it is something negative. The fact is arguments can be negative and they can be positive because they are born from deep seeded conclusions that exist within our lives. Good arguments can keep us from bad decisions. Bad arguments lead to bad decisions.