Why God Prays

Why God Prays

Jesus often withdrew to the lonely places to pray. This is totally understandable as he was talking to God His Father. Jesus came as a man to demonstrate a life we should aim for and prayer is certainly an integral part of that life as we are CREATED FOR CONVERSATION. But then we find Jesus risen from the grave and seated at the right hand of the Father continuing to pray as the Bible says he is seating in heaven praying for us (Rom 8:34).

Created to be Creative!

Created to be Creative!

When we are children, we are creative.  Kids color outside the lines.  They create forts in the living room out of chairs and sheets and whatever we can find.  When we become adults, we often lose ourselves in “adulting.”  Our minds drift to only logical thought processes.  We go with the status-quo instead of relying on God to help us think of creative solutions to challenges we face.  You are created in the image of a creative God.  You are created to be creative!