
Listen to Pastor Lawrence Neisent's message "Awakening"

How does somebody like Timothy McVeigh resolve in his mind to do something like this? When our thinking is wrong nothing can help us but when our thinking is right nothing can stop us!

Eph 1:17-18 I keep asking (God to) give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. 18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. NIV

Great ideas have the power to move us. Bad ideas have the power to ruin us. God ideas have the power to transform us.

Memorizing the Bible is memorizing the mind of God.

When we neglect God’s perspective we are left to live within the prison of our own limitations.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. NIV

In English, logos is root of logic and in the Greek, logos extends beyond "word" to language, talk, conversation, story, thought & reason. This is the expression of ideas.

God answered the world’s need for a Savior by sending “The Word” or God’s ideas embodied in Christ.

Ideas are actually more powerful than life. They outlive you and influence beyond your life. The world is run by dead people.

Democracy didn’t begin with USA. The beginnings of democracy are traced back to 6th Century BC to the Greeks. This was an idea that was philosophized by these Greeks so in a sense the dead Greeks are ruling America.

Terrorism is a war of ideas. 

You can’t shoot an idea with a bullet. If you kill somebody for their idea you endorse their ideas with martyrdom.

To battle terrorism we must battle ideas behind it.  Thoughts sustained produce ideas. Ideas sustained produce attitudes. Attitudes sustained produce an atmosphere. Atmosphere sustained produces a climate. Climate sustained produce the culture of our lives.

Thoughts are to culture what seeds are to forests.

The culture of hate is born from thoughts of hate. Nothing can stop you when your thinking is right. Nothing can help you when your thinking is wrong.

Our ideas are more important than any of us realize. This weeks God’s Presence For Real Life challenge is to develop a consistent Bible reading plan to stay in the Word. Attend the April 26th Discovering Destiny if you’ve not already done so.