
If we can awaken the church to a deeper more meaningful revelation of Jesus we will change the world.

To be awakened is to be enlightened to God’s point of view.

Our prayer from Eph 1:17-18
May God give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so we will know him better. May the eyes of our hearts be enlightened so we may know the hope to which he has called us.

Nothing can stop us when our thinking is right. Nothing can help us when thinking is wrong.

To memorize the Bible is to memorize the mind of God. 

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. NIV

In English, logos is root of logic speaking of language & conversation.

 “The Word” is the expression of God’s ideas revealed in Christ.

The first recorded words from God in Gen 1:3, “Let there be light.”

Light is sought by all of humanity from birth. Light and knowledge have the same origin, as do darkness and ignorance.

Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge… NIV

You can be saved and perish from a lack of knowledge

The church must break free from the hypnotic trance of our culture. We are so fascinated and captivated by the things of the world.

However a religious reaction gives the wrong idea as well. Sin is not boring. Sin is exciting, thrilling and pleasurable. Part of the danger of sin is how good it feels to destroy yourself. Doing no favors to anybody by neglecting the reality of how pleasure sin can be.

If we don’t teach the truth then the question comes around - How can something that feels so right be so wrong?

Once a few friends played a joke on me by giving me a puzzle with the wrong lid. When I sat down to put the puzzle together I kept getting confused about all the pieces.

Looking at the wrong picture gives you the wrong idea and confuses your conclusions about life, love, money and anything other picture the world presents.

GP4RL Action Point:
Get an old-fashioned Bible and start writing the date as you read. Every day turn the page.