Outrageously Loving

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Are you where you want to be in your life, in your faith, in your relationships, etc? Is your life your promised land? God is always challenging us to deeper places in him and in his family. We must make the choice to be deliberate about growing deeper.



Mark 14 - Peter is telling Jesus of his love for Him saying even if he must die he’ll never deny Christ. In this same chptr of life that Peter falls asleep praying & denies Christ.

John 19:26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," NAS

5 times the book of John references John as the disciple whom Jesus loved. The interesting thing is that this is John’s own Gospel and is the only Gospel making this reference. John had a revelation of God’s Love for him. When others fell away he was the only disciple who remained at the cross.


God’s family is a family of forgiven, dysfunctional people. Our mistakes are frequent and our love is imperfect. But we are still the bride of Christ. Even in the church’s imperfection our spiritual well-being is tied to our submission to her.

Jesus established the church to function with authority and accountability bringing instruction and correction to our lives. Many times people show up with stars in their eyes excited about what they’ve found. If they don’t know how to handle an offense it’s only a matter of time before the enemy has had his way with them and they’re off to find a better place.

Some of the best advice to singles: Stop looking for the perfect mate and start being the perfect mate.  Great advice to Christians: Stop looking for the perfect church and start loving, serving and giving. Offenses will continually uproot you!

Love overlooks an offense and keeps the friendship, marriage, the church family in tact. Pain wants to cripple your life, hold your mind hostage & restrict you in every way. Manage the pain, forgive & live again! 

Joshua 18:3 Joshua addressed the People of Israel: "How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting off taking possession of the land that God…has given you? MSG

It is the ability to choose that separates mankind from all other creative order. 

It is never too late to be what you might have been. Your decisions determine your destiny. 

GP4RL: Attend a Community Group to discuss ideas about how to live outrageously loving lives.