Day 19: Opening Understanding


He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
Luke 24:45

This one little verse reveals so much to us. First, it reveals that the disciples encounter the Resurrected Jesus without understanding the Scriptures. The Scriptures are a gift to us, not a requirement necessary to know Christ. That is hope for all of us who may have struggled understanding the Scriptures.

Second, it reveals that the Resurrected Jesus cares about us understanding the Scriptures. It matters to Him, enough that He spends this time “opening their understanding.” If it matters to Him, it should matter to us.

Third, we learn that Jesus taught them things concerning Himself (Luke 24:44). Seeing your present situation in light of the Scriptures fosters faith. Jesus probably pointed out all the scriptures concerning His resurrection, which helped them wrap their hearts around their present reality. Their heads may have never fully understood the concept, but Jesus knew that seeing the situation in light of the Scriptures would open the eyes of their hearts, producing faith. They may not have understood how Jesus rose from the dead, but they knew He rose from the dead and what this meant for them and for us.

Fourth, the Resurrected Christ teaches! His Spirit is with you and longs to open your understanding. He would love to encounter you through the Scriptures. Do not read the Bible to know the Bible (though the knowledge of the Bible will not hurt you). Read the Bible to know God. The more verses and chapters you read a day will not make you any more loved by Jesus. However, if you want to encounter Him, its a great place to look.

Today, open your Bible with expectation and read. Invite the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ, to come and teach you. Read until you encounter Him. It may be a quiet little voice, or a stand-out passage, or a proverb that convicts your heart. Whatever it might be, go with anticipation to the Scriptures. He will encounter you.