When the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews,
Jesus came and stood in their midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
John 20:19
Oftentimes, we believe that our fears are more powerful than love. Some train their children to believe that the fear of punishment motivates better than the power of love. The disciples shut the door and probably locked it because of fear. The good news is that our fears cannot keep Him out! Our fearful, closed-up hearts are no match for His powerful, fear-fighting love. His perfect love removes our fears.
Like a parent who allows their child to experience frustrations in order to learn necessary life skills, so God in His wisdom allows in our lives what He could have prevented. This brings unresolved fears to the surface. We often live trying to avoid what scares us. But because Jesus lives, He will be with us so we can face our fears in the power of His love, and we can overcome.
We must allow the Resurrected Christ to meet us in our insecurities. We can experience His powerful love in the midst of our fears. We close doors to protect us; God walks through walls because He loves us and wants to free us. He offers you peace in exchange for your fears. Jesus frees us from the inside out. Invite Jesus into your fear and listen for Him to say, “Peace to you.” Jesus’ deep, overwhelming, and uncompromising love for you in the midst of your fears is what quiets your fear.
“Daddy, Daddy!” yells the little boy holding a mangled rose up to his dad. “Why is it that when God opens the rose it looks so pretty, but when I try, it breaks?” And without a second’s hesitation, the boy answers his own question, “Oh, I know! He opens it from the inside.”