The process of learning what God has ordained for us to learn happens in the process of doing what God has ordained for us to do. Riding a bike isn’t learned by knowing that people ride bikes and observing them do so. Riding a bike happens when you ride your own bike. Learning to make disciples doesn’t happen when we talk about it or watch others do it. Learning to make disciples happens when we are doing it ourselves.
What is true treasure? What really matters in life? This question exists in the heart of every human being. It has inspired philosophers to elaborate articulation, sparked the imagination of the greatest artists and quietly exists in your heart and mine today. No one can avoid this question because we are created by God to experience life beyond this life.
TRUE TREASURE: Who We Fear-How We Live
TRUE TREASURE: Alive in Christ
TRUE TREASURE: Between Two Thieves
In the Spring of 33 AD, the crucifixion of three men, outside the city walls of Jerusalem, changed the course of world history. Roman executioners hammered nails through the wrists and ankles of three men and left them to die. This was a common event in their day but 2,000 years later we are still talking about these three deaths.
TRUE TREASURE: The Treasure of Fear
God is inviting us on a journey of deepening our understanding of what He has in mind for the church. Our team is working with a number of pastors now in the USA and overseas to discern and understand what lies ahead. We hear God better together, so I want to begin to invite you to pray into this important season of the church.