Our goal, as a church family, is that we would all be OUTRAGEOUSLY LOVING people who PASSIONATELY PURSUE the Lord with IRRATIONALLY GIVING lifestyles as we CONSISTENTLY SUBMIT to God’s desires and EFFECTIVELY DISCIPLE others to do the same.
See the Invisible, Do the Impossible
Anointed Kings
Created to be Creative!
When we are children, we are creative. Kids color outside the lines. They create forts in the living room out of chairs and sheets and whatever we can find. When we become adults, we often lose ourselves in “adulting.” Our minds drift to only logical thought processes. We go with the status-quo instead of relying on God to help us think of creative solutions to challenges we face. You are created in the image of a creative God. You are created to be creative!
Gifted Kings
The government of God is on the shoulders of Jesus; the body of Christ. The body of Christ carries the government of God into the earth! So Jesus is the King of kings! What does that make us? Kings!!! You and I are gifted kings, priests and prophets as the expression of God’s government in the earth.
Fortified Family
Fortified Courage
Fortified Faith
First Century Church
I gave Tracy groceries and she gave me an amazing meal. As I pondered this I realized this is very much the way it is with God. What do you think would happen to your dreams if you actually gave them to God? If we are willing to give God our time, talent and treasure He promises to release His Kingdom in our lives in amazing ways!